Build verbal processing speed to help children quickly and efficiently absorb language and share their ideas.
Think, Talk, Laugh!
A Workbook to Build Verbal Fluency

Think, Talk, Laugh
Increase Verbal processing Speed
Strengthen the phonological loop with rapid naming exercises in order to help speed up the word finding component of language.
Teach the executive functioning skills of “Stop, Think, Plan, Do” to allow the student to slow down so they have time to organize their ideas.
Build a strong vocabulary base, learning antonyms and synonyms helps students increase the choice of words they have to express their ideas.
Learn to break down ideas into parts and then organize them so a student can start a task without feeling overwhelmed.
Build flexible thinking skills to help find new ways of thinking and organizing ideas.
Organization of Thoughts
The activities in this section will help students make associations between words. Students will learn to consider how words can be viewed in different ways allowing the word to be used in multiple ways.
Word Retrieval
Word retrieval, or word finding, refers to the ability to efficiently find and say the word you want. Students who have difficulty in this area know the idea they want to convey but struggle to find the words to share the idea. There are 5 activities in this section.
Rapid naming
Practicing quickly naming overlearned words/concepts like letters, words, numbers, shapes and pictures helps students drill quick processing.
Rapid retrieval
To increase efficiency with Retrieval, students will now practice the activities from the Organization of Thoughts and Language and Word Retrieval sections with an added timed element.

How does the program work?
The Think, Talk, Laugh Program is divided into four sections, each section focuses on a unique aspect of language processing. The program is designed to help students create an internal organizational structure for storing language, which will enable students to quickly process and recall verbal information. Student mastery is gained through repeated practice, which helps open up pathways in the brain for smooth processing of information.