Summer provides an ideal opportunity for pre-teens and adolescents to strengthen their executive functioning skills through meaningful and enjoyable activities.

Here’s how to help them develop and strengthen their executive functioning skills by enhancing cognitive flexibility, strategic planning, time management, problem-solving, and self-reflection.
Advanced Cognitive Flexibility: Encourage your pre-teen to participate in a summer drama camp or improv class. These activities require them to think on their feet and adapt to new scenarios, boosting their cognitive flexibility.
Strategic Planning: Support your child in planning a summer science project or experiment. Help them set milestones and deadlines, and create a timeline to achieve their goals. This teaches them how to break down large tasks into manageable parts.
Time Management: Teach your pre-teen to create and follow a daily summer schedule. Include a mix of activities such as reading, outdoor play, and relaxation. Use tools like calendars or planners to help them visualize their tasks and manage their time effectively.
Problem Solving: Encourage your child to tackle a summer DIY project, like building a birdhouse or crafting a piece of art. Discuss different strategies to approach the project and solve any problems that arise, enhancing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Self-reflection: Promote regular self-reflection by encouraging your pre-teen to keep a summer journal. Ask them to write about their goals, what they’ve achieved, and what they could improve. This practice helps them develop a deeper understanding of their thought processes and behaviors.
Through these engaging summer activities, you can help your pre-teen build strong executive functioning skills that will benefit them in all areas of life. Enjoy the summer while fostering important developmental milestones.
Looking for a perfect summer workbook for your child?
Our Executive Functioning Workbook is the perfect companion for any summer curriculum, ideal for tutors, summer school teachers, or learning centers.
The only EF workbook that focuses on self-awareness and social-emotional skills, both critical for Executive Functioning
Fully customizable for each student’s needs
Complete Instructor Guide included
Grades 6-12